Preliminary task: raw footage of filming at the beach


Here is the raw footage of first day filming for my preliminary task. Today was not 100% successful for a number of reasons: 1. The weather. It was far more over cast than expected, meaning it was very windy and I am not completely confident with recording audio, meaning it has come out in a very strange way and not with the best quality. Next time I will be sure to read up on the different equipment and methods that I should take into consideration when shooting in such locations (even though I did bring the out door recording ‘cat’ wind protector/ rycote for the mic). 2. It went dark faster than it was forecast, meaning I missed the lighting I was aiming for; when filming my main task I will be more prepared as I didn’t take into consideration the time for setting up all of my equipment. 3. Finally, I didn't really have a plan of the footage that I wanted to achieve, meaning I wasted time setting up for shots that weren’t very useful, and maybe missing out on shots that would have been great for my sequence. 

Despite this not being my best work, I still think that this was a good exercise in filming in settings/ locations that I have not filmed in before. I stepped out side of my comfort zone during this day of filming and learnt a lot of skills, like having to think on my feet and make do with the situation at hand; all things that I will keep in mind when filming my main task. 


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