preliminary task: evaluation


Overall I accomplished what was intended, I filmed an interview with my interviewee. I am moderately pleased with the quality of the footage as the lighting, sound, composition and angles of the camera aren’t completely off the expected conventions of interview filming, and therefore compliment the set and shot. However, there are a number of things that I will change and keep in mind when filming my main task. 

I will be sure to film at a time of day when there is optimum lighting, when filming my preliminary task I underestimated the amount of time that it would take for me to set up all of my equipment, change lenses and warm up with the interviewee by explaining positioning and their proxemics within the frame as I had used certain iconographies to convey messages about the relationship and content of the interview. 
I used practical lighting in this scene which worked well to a certain extent, however I only brought one standard fill light which meant that there were angles of the interviewees face that weren’t lit as well as they should have been. I the future I will be sure to bring extra lights in case I find myself in the same position of the sun going down soon than expected. 

The recording of sound went, as we were inside the element of weather was removed, filming in a room with no particular acoustical disadvantages sound recording was not an issue in my preliminary task. However, moving on to my main task I am going to look into the use of mic’s and radios as I cannot be certain that recording of sound will be as smooth sailing as in this first interview. 

Camera shots, angles and composition 
I managed to get a variety of angles for filming my preliminary task which allowed me to practice how to move a tripod to certain positions to achieve the shots that I would like. However, as I only had the one camera this movement was limited to each question, resulting in clumsy editing with an amateur finish. I would 100%be using multiple cameras for filming my main task as I will then be able to set them up prior to beginning the interview, then I can juts leave them to film without worrying about having to movie them around, allowing the interview to flow smoothly. 

As I haven’t filmed or edited in quite sometime, it took me a minuet to get back into the swing of things; however once I started it all came back to me relatively fast, I also referred back to some of my past blogs with resources and tutorials on editing which helped me through this process. 

Mise en scene
After filming and editing my preliminary task I have noticed many moments were I could have used mise en scene and props to create further meaning. For example, my interviewee was holding a mug the said ‘best mum’, this might have been an effective insert of cutaway. This is another aspect of filming that I will take in to consideration when I am filming my main task. 

These are just a few elements of my preliminary task that did not go so well, allowing me to highlights them and ensure that I do not make the same mistakes in my main task. 


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