TalkingTaboos: The prison debate

For my advanced portfolio I have decided to create my own podcast called TalkingTaboos, in which i will discuss various topics with interviewees an participants. I think that this is a great way to practice my interview and research skills; additionally I think podcasts are a really interesting from of broadcast journalism, which is something I am considering as a career in the future. 

This is just a practice interview so it is very informal. The participants remain anonymous so I played around with what to call them. We landed on ‘The Politician’, ‘The Anthropologist’  and ‘The Host’ (me). This was just an exercise in anonymity and not at the request of the participants. 

Both the ‘The Politician’ and ‘The Anthropologist’ signed consent forms before recording this episode to practice the correct procedure for when I am recording for my podcast. 

I am going to restrict the podcast on YouTube for over 18’s as some of the topics we cover are very sensitive. 

Here are some links to the topics and articles we talk about and reference in this episode: 

Jones Town Mass Suicide

Frequently asked questions about prison

Discussion Questions

When they see us

Office episode

Yorkshire Murderers

This episode was recorded on my iPhone 7, the audio has come out relatively clear, I will see if it comes out as clear on YouTube as sometimes the publication effects the audio for some reason. 

As I move towards filming for my documentary I aim to experiment with recording audio on a DSLR with a mic attachment as it will have a more professional effect on my doc audio. 

I have also had to edit out various moments in the podcast when names and personal details have been mentioned accidentally, and even a surprise intrusion by a member of staff. For this I edited on Premiere Pro as the episode was too long for iMovie. 

I am really coming to appreciate the art of podcasts and cant wait to expand and include them into my documentary. 


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