First round of brainstorming for my doc


Here is a screen recording of my first round of brainstorming for my documentary. I have know that I want to do my documentary on art for quite a while now as it is something that I am really interested in. I also know that My documentary will be largely based around interviews with the general public and individuals that are related to the world of art. 

Rather than coming to a conclusion I want to pose questions and start conversations about opinions. From creating this blog I have already come up with more questions:

Do we need conflict in society to have values and relationships? 

Would there be art without anger and pain? 

Where would we be with out protest? 

I have also decided that i will probably use either my iPhone or a simple mic to record interviews with the public as I have found in the past that people really don’t like being filmed. 

I will try to use a DSLR for filming other, more structured interviews, if not I will use my IPad as it has a good camera and relatively decent audio. 

Moving on from here I will look further into what areas of this topic i want to focus on as well as scheduling the people I would like to interview as it is important that I meet deadlines. For example one person that I am keen to interview is art expert Sioban Phillips, and this exclusive interview will only be available to me during term time so I have to get a move on!


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