Ethical concerns with making documentaries

 Obviously, like everything in life there are ethical concerns with making documentaries. In the short video I have addressed some key concerns that I will be taking into consideration during this point in my production and research process.

 Primarily what I take away from making this blog is that I must establish a good relationship and rapport with those I interview as that will not only impact how they react to the questions I ask them but will also effect the way they feel after the conversation, if that makes sense. I must be sensitive in what questions and topics I cover as they could have a detrimental effect on those I am talking to. I have also decided that I will set boundaries with those I am interviewing to make sure I don’t cross boundaries. Making my research method primarily conducted through semi-strictest interviews. 

This was not included in the blog but I feel it is necessary to include: adding a range of perspective’s to the content I cover. I want to be sure to include information for multiple points of  view to make sure the doc is unbiased. 

For this blog I used this link: The ethics of documentary filmmaking, I would very much recommend this resource as it highlights the key concerns to take into consideration when starting research and planning the structure of interviews. The source also include references to pre-existing documentaries and various films which is very helpful in gaining perspective. 


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