Documentary and interview practice


As I knew that I would be producing a documentary for my advanced portfolio I decided to create a short mock documentary over the summer holidays when completing my gold DofE. The aim of the documentary was to interview the general public about what they liked most about walking and nature as well as gaining a general consensus on Duke of Edinburgh as an organisation. 

This was a very helpful exercise for me as it allowed me to get some practice with interviewing people and gathering footage where possible. In total, as a group we interviewed 10 separate walking parties or individuals, as only two or three interviews out of the 10 consented to being filmed I decided to only include footage and stills of the surrounding environment and only use the interviews as a voice over; although this was not the original plan for my mini doc I’m still happy with the outcome as it really showcases the wildlife and nature around us while also highlighting what DofE is all about. 

The most difficult thing about the post production side of this documentary was editing sound. As I recorded on an iPhone there was a lot of wind, hiss and drag in the audio recordings which did not come out so well when editing. This was also a good iMovie refresher for me as I have not edited much since last year and always find that I am a bit rusty after not doing it for a while. 

Although this is not a topic that I will probably address in my main task project, I still throughly enjoyed creating this short documentary  of a truly memorable experience. 

Practice documentary for advanced portfolio


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